
This site does not have a massive advertising budget, so We relies on you to help spread the word and get this documentary seen by the masses! You can help promote We in many ways.

  1. Tell all your friends to visit this site and download a copy of the film.
  2. Link to from your web site, blog or any online profiles and signatures on forums you frequent. We’ve got banners and video codes you can use!
  3. Organize a screening of the film at your home or college.
  4. Spread the word through various networks, forums and blogs that you are a member of. Again, we have banners and video codes to help make it easier.
  5. Drop an email to reporters and bloggers of sites you visit for your news. Share this site or direct links to the various video clips with them; especially when they write about a topic that Ms. Roy speaks about in the film.

If you have accounts at the various bookmark, sharing sites such as and Stumble Upon, add us to your list!

Any other promotional ideas and suggestions are always welcome.